
Argentina Notion Itinerary + Trip Planner 2025

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Argentina Notion Itinerary + Trip Planner 2025


Easily plan your trip to Argentina

A proven trip planner with up-to-date travel information and a well-researched itinerary informed by firsthand experience.

Built with Notion, this template is fully customizable, allowing you to plan your trip as simply or as hyper-organized as you like.

What's Included

  • ✈️ Travel Information – up-to-date 2025 tips on planning, money, safety, and culture, including popular destinations, how much cash to carry, tap water safety, basic phrases to know, visa requirements for US travelers, and more.
  • πŸ—“οΈ Itinerary – a well-researched itinerary with recommended attractions, insider tips, and drag-and-drop functionality. The default is a 10-day itinerary focused on Buenos Aires, Bariloche, El ChaltΓ©n, and El Calafate (all fully customizable).
  • πŸ“ Map – 40+ key places pinned that match the itinerary
  • πŸ’° Budget Tracker – simple expense tracker with a summary graph
  • πŸŽ’ Packing List – tailored to Argentina's popular activities
  • πŸ’‘ Firsthand Tips – insights based on my personal travel experience

This trip planner is complementary to my Argentina travel guides πŸ‡¦πŸ‡·.


  • What is Notion?
    Notion is a versatile productivity tool for organizing notes, tasks, projects, and databases.
  • Do I need to pay for Notion?
    No, all my trip planners work with the free version of Notion.
  • Why is this Notion template "proven"?
    I’ve used this Notion trip planner for over 20 international trips, and it has transformed how I organize travel. I've refined the template with feedback from friends and customers to make it better and easier to use.
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